The BOAST: Best of Astoria & LIC 2022 Survey is LIVE! The site is boast.nyc/survey.
Please fill it out by Friday, December 23, and be sure to add your name and email at the end of the survey for a chance to win a prize. We always appreciate short write-ups with your entries, and please share the survey with anyone who knows and loves these neighborhoods! Also, this year you can fill out part of the survey, and then come back to it later and make changes until you submit it.
Like last year, each question has space for Astoria (plus write-up) and LIC (plus write-up). We appreciate you filling out as much as you can, but no need to fill out more than you’d like.
A few new categories this year include Best Fast Casual Restaurant, Best Outdoor Drinking, and Best Local Organization.

We are running a fundraiser to help offset our costs, including the annual survey and website. The survey results and website are the backbone of BOAST, and we want to keep our advertising rates to businesses low, so we hope you will consider contributing by the end of the year. Any amount would be appreciated. Thank you in advance! boast.nyc/contribute