Here are all the winners, organized by location. (Subway stop in parentheses.)

36th Ave (N/W)

Arepas Cafe

3rd EAT | Best Budget

33-07 36th Ave, (718) 937-3835, zomato.com

Chela & Garnacha

3rd EAT | Best Mexican

33-09 36th Ave, (917) 832-6876, chela-garnacha.com


3rd EAT | Best Brazilian

31-13 36th Ave, (718) 545-3685, copacabanabraziliangrill.com

Key Food

3rd DO & SEE | Best Supermarket

30-13 36th Ave, (718) 482-7600, keyfoods.com

Studio Square NYC

2nd DRINK | Best Beer Garden

35-37 36th St, (718) 383-1001, studiosquarenyc.com

Sunswick 35/35

1st DRINK | Best Bar for Beer   2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Trivia

35-02 35th St, (718) 752-0620, sunswick3535bar.com


(WRITE-IN) DRINK | Best New Cafe

35-04 35th St, (718) 786-6096, swick2go.com

Broadway (N/W)

Astoria Bier & Cheese

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Beer

34-14 Broadway, (718) 545-5588, astoriabierandcheese.com

Bel Aire Diner

2nd EAT | Best Diner

31-91 21st St, (718) 721-3160, belaireastoria.com

Break Bar and Billiards

1st DRINK | Best Bar for Sports   (WRITE-IN) DRINK | Best Bar for Playing Pool

32-04 Broadway, (718) 777-5400, break-ny.com

Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company

(WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Bagels

35-05 Broadway, (718) 204-0141, bkbagel.com

Bungalo Lounge Bar

1st DO & SEE | Best Club

32-03 Broadway, (718) 204-7010, bungaloastoria.com

Club Fitness New York

3rd DO & SEE | Best Gym

31-11 Broadway, (718) 545-0004, clubfitnessny.com

Greenbay Marketplace

2nd DO & SEE | Best Supermarket

32-06 Broadway, (718) 204-6400

Icon Astoria

2nd DO & SEE | Best Club

31-84 33rd St, (917) 832-6364, iconastoria.com

iKraveIt Foods

3rd EAT | Best Sandwich

34-02 30th St, (718) 777-0030, ikraveitfoodsastoria.com

King of Falafel & Shawarma

1st EAT | Best Budget

30-15 Broadway, (718) 626-3838, thekingfalafel.com

Leng Thai

2nd EAT | Best Thai

33-09 Broadway, (718) 956-7117, orderlengthaiqueens.com


1st DO & SEE | Best Gift Shop

32-15 33rd St, (718) 626-6030, lockwoodshop.com

Modern Barber Shop

2nd DO & SEE | Best Haircut

30-14 Broadway, (718) 728-9227, facebook.com

Nuevo Jardín de China

3rd EAT | Best Chinese

32-05 Broadway, (718) 726-0819, nuevojardin.com

Pao De Queijo

1st EAT | Best Brazilian

31-90 30th St, (718) 204-1979, astoriapaodequeijo.com

Parisi Bakery

2nd EAT | Best Bakery

30-17 Broadway, (718) 728-5282, parisibakeryastoria.com


1st EAT | Best New Restaurant

35-07 Broadway, (917) 868-1084, pokewaveastoria.com


(WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Chicken Parm Entrée

35-03 Broadway, (718) 545-3500, portalianyc.com

Sanfords Restaurant

1st EAT | Best American

30-13 Broadway, (718) 932-9569, sanfordsnyc.com

Sek’end Sun

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Atmosphere   3rd DRINK | Best Bar for Cocktails   1st DRINK | Best Bar for Trivia   2nd DRINK | Best Happy Hour   1st DO & SEE | Best Date Spot

32-11 Broadway, (917) 832-6414, sekendsun.com

The Highwater

1st DRINK | Best New Bar

34-20 Broadway, (917) 745-0407, facebook.com

The Strand Smokehouse

3rd DRINK | Best Bar for Trivia

25-27 Broadway, (718) 440-3231, thestrandsmokehouse.com

Vite Bar

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Wine

25-07 Broadway, (347) 813-4702, vitebar.com

31st Ave

Astoria Bookshop

3rd DO & SEE | Best Gift Shop

31-29 31st St, (718) 278-2665, astoriabookshop.com


1st EAT | Best Burger

33-21 31st Ave, (718) 777-7011, bareburger.com

Diamond Dogs

3rd DRINK | Best Best for Atmosphere

34-04 31st Ave, (929) 522-0061, instagram.com/diamonddogsnyc

Il Bambino

2nd EAT | Best Sandwich

34-08 31st Ave, (718) 626-0087, ilbambinonyc.com

Enthaice Thai Kitchen

2nd EAT | Best Thai

33-20 31st Ave, (718) 932-1111, enthaicethaikitchen.com

Madame Sousou Cafe

3rd DRINK | Best Cafe

31-05 33rd St, (718) 710-6577, facebook.com


1st EAT | Best Pizza

34-12 31st Ave, (718) 204-1300, milkflowernyc.com

Mom’s Kitchen & Bar

3rd EAT | Best Brunch

33-01 31st Ave, (718) 267-0142, momsastoria.com

Point Brazil

2nd EAT | Best Brazilian

38-01 31st Ave, (718) 278-1934, pointbrazilrestaurant.com

30th Ave (N/W)


3rd EAT | Best Italian

36-08 30th Ave, (718) 545-0555, antikapizza.com

Astoria Coffee

3rd DRINK | Best Cafe

30-44 Crescent St, (718) 706-5750, apacny.org

Astoria Performing Arts Center

2nd DO & SEE | Best Performing Arts Venue

30-44 Crescent St, (718) 706-5750, apacny.org

Blend Astoria

3rd EAT | Best New Restaurant   3rd DRINK | Best New Bar

37-17 30th Ave, (718) 606-6383, blendastoria.com

Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company

(WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Bagels

36-14 30th Ave, (718) 777-1121, bkbagel.com

Burger Club

2nd EAT | Best Burger

32-02 30th Ave, (718) 777-7788, burger-club.com


3rd EAT | Best Dessert

30-06 34th St, (917) 745-0101, facebook.com


(WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Under-the-Radar Place to Get Food

36-03 30th Ave, (718) 204-0333, createastoria.com

De Mole Astoria

1st EAT | Best Mexican

42-20 30th Ave, (718) 777-1655, demoleastoria.com

Gigi Salon & Styling Studio

1st DO & SEE | Best Haircut

34-17 30th Ave, (718) 777-7755, gigistylingstudio.com

Gossip Coffee

2nd DRINK | Best Cafe   1st DO & SEE | Best Place to Use Wi-Fi

37-04 30th Ave, (718) 440-8792, gossipcoffee.com

Grand Avenue Pizza

2nd EAT | Best Pizza

34-24 30th Ave, (718) 728-8879, grandavepizza.com

Judy & Punch

1st DRINK | Best Happy Hour

34-08 30th Ave, (718) 626–3101, judyandpunch.com

Jujube Tree

1st EAT | Best Chinese   1st EAT | Best Vegetarian

35-02 30th Ave, (718) 545-1888, menupages.com

Katch Astoria

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Sports

31-19 Newtown Ave, (718) 777-2230, katchastoria.com

Key Food

3rd DO & SEE | Best Supermarket

32-15 Newtown Ave, (718) 728-9403, keyfoods.com

Kurry Qulture

3rd EAT | Best Indian

36-05 30th Ave, (718) 674-1212, kurryqulture.com

Leli’s Bakery & Pastry Shop

3rd EAT | Best Bakery   1st DRINK | Best Hot Chocolate

35-14 30th Ave, (718) 626-8090

Matsu Sushi

3rd EAT | Best Japanese

34-11 30th Ave, (718) 726-7029, matsusushiastoria.com

Mini Star

3rd EAT | Best Diner

30-02 Steinway St, (718) 728-9572, zomato.com


2nd EAT | Best Indian

31-15 30th Ave, (718) 626-2783, namasteastoriany.com

New York Sports Clubs

1st DO & SEE | Best Gym

38-11 30th Ave, (718) 932-1400, mysportsclubs.com

Passage Irish Bar and Kitchen


40-11 30th Ave, (917) 832-6680, passageastoria.com

Pink Nori

1st EAT | Best Japanese

36-06 30th Ave, (718) 685-2365, pinknorinyc.com

Queens Comfort

1st EAT | Best Brunch   2nd EAT | Best American

40-09 30th Ave, (718) 728-2350, queenscomfort.com


1st EAT | Best Indian

30-07 34th St, (718) 626-4440, sevaindianrestaurant.com

Sugar Freak

3rd EAT | Best American

37-11 30th Ave, (718) 606-1900, sugarfreak.com

Sweet Afton

3rd EAT | Best Burger   1st DRINK | Best Bar for Cocktails

30-09 34th St, (718) 777-2570, sweetaftonbar.com

The Shillelagh Tavern

1st DO & SEE | Best Live Music Venue

47-22 30th Ave, (718) 728-9028, shillelaghtavern.com

Trade Fair

1st DO & SEE | Best Supermarket

30-08 30th Ave, (718) 728-9484, tradefairny.com

Vesta Trattoria & Wine Bar

2nd EAT | Best Brunch   2nd EAT | Best Dessert   3rd DRINK | Best Bar for Wine

21-02 30th Ave, (718) 545-5550, vestavino.com

William Hallet

3rd DRINK | Best Happy Hour

36-10 30th Ave, (718) 269-3443, williamhallet.com

Astoria Blvd (N/W)

Astoria Park

1st DO & SEE | Best Park

19th St and 23rd Dr, (718) 626-8620, nycgovparks.org

Astoria Provisions

3rd EAT | Best New Restaurant

12-23 Astoria Blvd, (917) 396-4002, facebook.com

Bohemian Hall & Beer Garden

1st DRINK | Best Beer Garden

29-19 24th Ave, (718) 274-4925, bohemianhall.com

Elias Corner

3rd EAT | Best Greek

24-02 31st St, (718) 932-1510, eliascorner.com


1st DRINK | Best Bar for Wine

25-19 24th Ave, (718) 728-0708, www.mosaicastoria.com

Neptune Diner

1st EAT | Best Diner

31-05 Astoria Blvd S, (718) 278-4853, places.singleplatform.com

Astoria-Ditmars Blvd (N/W)


3rd EAT | Best Greek

19-06 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 545-4554, agnantimeze.com

Astoria Bier & Cheese

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Beer

35-11 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 255-6982, astoriabierandcheese.com


1st EAT | Best Burger

23-01 31st St, (718) 204-7167, bareburger.com


(WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Under-the-Radar Place to Get Food

29-21 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 777-0504, createditmars.com

Dragon and Phoenix

2nd EAT | Best Chinese

22-17 31st St, (718) 545-2228, places.singleplatform.com

Key Food

3rd DO & SEE | Best Supermarket

22-15 31st St, (718) 721-4680, keyfoods.com

Martha’s Country Bakery

1st EAT | Best Bakery   1st EAT | Best Dessert   2nd DRINK | Best Hot Chocolate

36-21 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 545-9737, marthascountrybakery.com


2nd EAT | Best Mexican

22-36 31st St, (718) 545-4100, mojaveny.com

New York City Bagel & Coffee House

3rd DO & SEE | Best Place to Use Wi-Fi   (WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Bagels

29-08 23rd Ave, (718) 728-9500, nycbch.com

Ornella Trattoria Italiana

1st EAT | Best Italian

29-17 23rd Ave, (718) 777-9477, ornellatrattoria.com


1st DO & SEE | Best Performing Arts Venue   1st DO & SEE | Best Stand-Up Comedy Venue

27-16 23rd Ave, (347) 451-3873, qedastoria.com

Queen’s Room

1st DRINK | Best Cafe   3rd DRINK | Best Hot Chocolate   2nd DO & SEE | Best Place to Use Wi-Fi

36-02 Ditmars Blvd, (347) 987-3994, queensroomnyc.com

Sal, Kris, and Charlie’s Deli

1st EAT | Best Sandwich

33-12 23rd Ave, (718) 278-9240, menupages.com


2nd EAT | Best Greek

29-09 23rd Ave, (718) 932-8596, stamatisastoria.com

Taverna Kyclades

1st EAT | Best Greek

33-07 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 545-8666, tavernakyclades.com

The Bonnie

3rd DRINK | Best Bar for Atmosphere   3rd DRINK | Best Beer Garden

29-12 23rd Ave, (718) 274-2105, thebonnie.com

The Brass Owl

2nd DO & SEE | Best Gift Shop

36-19 Ditmars Blvd, (347) 848-0905, thebrassowl.com

The Ditty

(WRITE-IN) DRINK | Most Fun Bar   2nd DO & SEE | Best Date Spot

5-03 Ditmars Blvd, (347) 617-1747, thedittybar.com

The Last Word

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Cocktails

31-30 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 440-3378, tlwastoria.com

The Letlove Inn

2nd DRINK | Best Bar for Atmosphere   2nd DRINK | Best New Bar   3rd DO & SEE | Best Live Music Venue

27-20 23rd Ave, (718) 777-5683, letloveinn.com

The Thirsty Koala

3rd EAT | Best Vegetarian

35-12 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 626-5430, thethirstykoala.com

Trattoria L’Incontro

2nd EAT | Best Italian

21-76 31st St, (718) 721-3532, trattorialincontro.com

Watawa Sushi

2nd EAT | Best Japanese

33-10 Ditmars Blvd, (718) 545-9596, menupages.com

Steinway St (M/R)

Blink Fitness

2nd DO & SEE | Best Gym

32-27 Steinway St, (718) 880-3620, blinkfitness.com

District Saigon

2nd EAT | Best Vegetarian   (WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Vietnamese

37-15 Broadway, (718) 956-0007, districtsaigonnyc.com

Greater Astoria Historical Society

2nd DO & SEE | Best Museum

35-20 Broadway, 4th Floor, (718) 278-0700, astorialic.com

Karaoke Shout

(WRITE-IN) DO & SEE | Best Place for Karaoke

32-46 Steinway St, (718) 569-0080, karaokeshout.com

La Vecina Astoria

2nd EAT | Best New Restaurant

30-66 Steinway St, (718) 433-9399, lavecinaastoria.com

Museum of the Moving Image

1st DO & SEE | Best Museum   2nd DO & SEE | Best Movie Theater   3rd DO & SEE | Best Date Spot

36-01 35th Ave, (718) 777-6888, movingimage.us

New York City Bagel & Coffee House

3rd DO & SEE | Best Place to Use Wi-Fi   (WRITE-IN) EAT | Best Bagels

40-05 Broadway, (718) 728-9511, nycbch.com

Oliver’s Astoria

3rd DRINK | Best Bar for Sports   3rd DO & SEE | Best Live Music Venue

37-19 Broadway, (718) 806-1476, oliversastoria.com

Planet Fitness

3rd DO & SEE | Best Gym

30-33 Steinway St, (718) 777-0700, planetfitness.com

Pye Boat Noodle

1st EAT | Best Thai   2nd EAT | Best Budget

35-13 Broadway, (718) 685-2329, pyeboatnoodle.com

Raven’s Head Public House

3rd DRINK | Best Bar for Beer

38-04 Broadway, (718) 777-7565, ravensheadpublichouse.com

Red Basil Thai Kitchen

3rd EAT | Best Thai

32-47 Steinway St, (718) 278-3333, redbasilthaikitchenastoria.com

Rizzo’s Fine Pizza

3rd EAT | Best Pizza

30-13 Steinway St, (718) 721-9862, rizzosfinepizza.com


3rd EAT | Best Indian

44-04 Broadway, (718) 255-6310, saffronindiancuisineny.com

The Astor Room

2nd DO & SEE | Best Live Music Venue

34-12 36th St, (718) 255-1947, astorroom.com

UA Kaufman Astoria Stadium 14

1st DO & SEE | Best Movie Theater

35-30 38th St, (718) 786-1722, regmovies.com

Long Island City


(WRITE-IN) DO & SEE | Best Place To Do Homework

37-18 Northern Blvd, (347) 706-4696, coffeednyc.com

Gantry Plaza State Park

3rd DO & SEE | Best Park

4-09 47th Rd, Long Island City, (718) 786-8568, gantrypark.com


3rd DO & SEE | Best Museum

22-25 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, (718) 784-2084, momaps1.org

Socrates Sculpture park

2nd DO & SEE | Best Park

32-01 Vernon Blvd, Long Island City, (718) 956-1819, socratessculpturepark.org

The Creek and The Cave

2nd DO & SEE | Best Stand-Up Comedy Venue

10-93 Jackson Ave, Long Island City, (718) 706-8783, creeklic.com

Survey results from December 2017. Click here for the results from December 2016, January 2016, July 2015, January 2015.