Can you believe it’s already the end of 2018? We think this year completely flew by. The BOAST: Best of Astoria 2017 party at The Queen’s Room felt like it was just the other day, although it was in February! But with the end of the year comes the BOAST: Best of Astoria 2018 Survey! Please fill out the form and enter your name and email if you’d like a chance to win a prize. We always appreciate short write-ups about your favorite places, but keep in mind that there are 51 total categories, so answer as many as you’d like. The survey will be open until the last day of the year, December 31. There’s been a lot of change in the neighborhood in the past year, so we look forward to seeing what your favorites are right now. The link to the survey is boast.nyc/survey, and please share with anyone who knows and loves Astoria!
– The BOAST Team